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New Normal on the Sea

Attraction Charter Plan
(the original charter plan of Reserved Cruise)

Duration : 90min〜

Charter a ship and enjoy our very popular attraction cruises
- Night Factory Jungle Cruise, Yokohama Night View Fantastic Cafeship, Haneda Underjet Charter Plan

Night Factory Jungle Cruise Charter Plan

Very popular charter plan of our Night Factory Jungle Cruise.
Enjoy the night cruise only with your friends.

Night Factory Jungle Cruise Charter Plan
90 min
Number of People
1~120 people
  • MYIII ¥154,000 /
    per boat (¥16,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Ciel Bleu ¥363,000 /
    per boat (¥27,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Ocean Bleu ¥715,000 /
    per boat (¥55,000 per 30 min. extention)
Boarding pier
Akarengasanbashi pier, Zo-no-hana-sanbashi pier, Minatomirai Pukarisanbashi pier
Pier〜Red Brick Warehouse, Shiohama canal,Tanabe canal,
Minamiwatarida canal〜Pier
Live guide tour by our crew about various factories and night view
You can bring your food, drink etc.

Night Factory Adventure Cruise Charter Plan

Charter a boat and enjoy Night Factory Adventure Cruise with your friends.

Night Factory Adventure Cruise Charter Plan
120 min
Number of People
1~120 people
  • MYIII ¥165,000 /
    per boat (¥16,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Ciel Bleu ¥385,000 /
    per boat (¥27,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Ocean Bleu ¥770,000 /
    per boat (¥55,000 per 30 min. extention)
Akarengasanbashi pier, Zo-no-hana-sanbashi pier, Minatomirai Pukarisanbashi pier
pier ~ Bay Bridge ~ Honmoku Wharf ~ South Honmoku Negishi ~ pier
Live guide tour by our crew about various factories and night view
You can bring your food, drink etc.

Underjet Charter Plan

Have a close look at the airplanes from just underneath in the sea area near runway of Haneda Airport.

Underjet Charter Plan
90 min
Number of People
1~120 people
  • MYIII (up to 20 people) ¥168,300 /
    per boat (¥16,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Jet Sailor (up to 40 people) ¥202,400 /
    per boat (¥16,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Ciel Bleu (up to 60 people) ¥390,500 /
    per boat (¥27,500 per 30 min. extention)
  • Ocean Bleu (up to 120 people) ¥781,000 /
    per boat (¥55,000 per 30 min. extention)
Haneda Airport Wharf
Haneda Airport Wharf(near A runway ~D runway)
Ariake Pier (near B runway)
*The course may change depending on the sea and weather condition.
Takeoff and landing scene may not be seen depending on the Airplane flight status.
This cruise does not guarantee the chance to see the takeoff and landing scene.